Self-contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) CCS RHZK6-1-Mechanical type
Principle of return and exchange
Freight description
Shipping instructions
A、Type: RHZK6-1
SOLAS 1974, as amended; EN 137:2006;NFPA 1981:2003; GB/16556-2007; GA124:2013
C、 Technical parameter
• Gas Cylinder:
Capacity: 6L;
Material: Alloy steel;
Working pressure: 0~30Mpa
• Pressure Regulator:
Maximum outflow: 450L/min;
Output pressure: 0.7±0.05MPa
• Safety valve opening pressure: Open in 1~1.2Mpa
• Alarm System:
Alarm pressure: 5.5±0.5Mpa;
Sound level: 95db;
Flashing rate: 60 times/min
• Respiratory resistance: <980pa
• Service time: >30min
• Package size (Plastic suitcase): 728*440*300mm
• Weight: 16kg
D、Approved: CCS

The self-contained breathing apparatus comprises a facemask assembly, a frame (backplate) and harness assembly, an air cylinder and valve, a high pressure reducing valve, a warning whistle and a pressure gauge The face mask. The demand valve permits the use of the equipment as a positive pressure set. This ensures that the air pressure inside the face mask is higher than atmospheric pressure and so any leaks in the seals are outwards. That is, smoke or foul air cannot be drawn into the mask. The backplate is attached to the harness and includes a method of securing the air cylinders. There may be provision to enable an alternative air supply to be connected.
Each cylinder is to contain not less than 1200 litres of fresh breathing air. The supply of air to the wearer is via an automatic regulator, but there will be a means of bypassing or over-riding the regulator to increase the volume of air available to the wearer should the need arise.
It is required that spare charged breathing air cylinders are also carried.
A pressure gauge enables the wearer to ascertain the pressure of air remaining in the cylinder at any time.
A warning whistle indicates to the wearer that the cylinder capacity is low and that he should remove himself from any unsafe atmosphere.
A lifeline of flexible galvanised steel wire covered in plaited rope is also provided. The lifeline must be at least 3m longer than is required to reach from the open deck in clean air to any part of the vessel.
The weight of the apparatus must not exceed 16kg (excluding the lifeline).
As with other Firemen’s equipment the breathing apparatus must be stored in readily accessible positions which are not likely to be cut off in the event of fire. They should also be stowed in widely separated positions, except that in passenger vessels (UK Class I) two firemen’s outfits are to be available at each storage position.
Breathing apparatus will be needed to fight a fire in an enclosed space, and in an open space when toxic or suffocating fumes are present. The equipment may also be needed to search for a missing person subsequent to a fire or other incident.
F、 Cylinders
Every set of self-contained breathing apparatus must be provided with spares cylinders having a total free air capacity of 2400 litres. In practice this usually means that each set has two spare charged cylinders. There are however two exceptions:
in ships with five or more sets the total spare capacity (for the whole ship) need not exceed 9600 litres.
if the ship is able to re-charge the air cylinders with suitable breathing air, then it is necessary to carry only 1200 litres of spare breathing air per set: however the total spare storage capacity of free air provided (for the whole ship) need not exceed 4800 litres.
Where ultra lightweight cylinders are carried there are restrictions concerning who may recharge the cylinders, the moisture content of the air used to recharge them, and the attention that must be given to the external cylinder protection and its condition.
G、Air Compressors
Special air compressors intended solely for recharging compressed breathing air cylinders may be carried. They may be either portable or fixed. The air intakes must be sited so that the ingress of water or noxious fumes is avoided, even in the most adverse circumstances.
Inspection and maintenance of any self-contained breathing apparatus must be carried out by a competent person and strictly in accord with the manufacturers' instructions. The detailed instructions for each set will vary with the make and model.
After each use of a BA set it is necessary to ensure that it is stowed in a condition whereby it is ready again for immediate use. Follow the detailed instructions given by the manufacturer; they will generally include the following:
clean the set thoroughly
clean the face mask and harness (this may be in warm soapy water)
inspect the complete set for damage and any loose fittings
fit a fully charged cylinder
complete high pressure and low pressure tests q disinfect the facemask
re-stow the equipment in a ready-to-use condition and complete all use and test records
Effective and efficient use of breathing apparatus may only be achieved by frequent regular training in its use and care. It is important that any crew member designed to wear the breathing apparatus is confident and comfortable with its use.
Term of cylinder validity is 15 years. When the cylinder is prepared to inflate, the term of the cylinder validity should be detected. Otherwise the cylinder is not allowed to be inflated to prevent the explosion of the cylinder. And the gas cylinder is marked with gas charging pressure and not overcharged.
The air compressor should be installed in the clean air environment when the using. If the environment of the compressor is in bad condition, it will cause the gas filled into the cylinder is not safe, and it will cause damage to many parts of the it.
Do not choose to use inferior gas cylinders, so as not to cause serious consequences due to the quality problems of cylinders.
If there is a power failure or a sudden shutdown during the operation of gas charging, we should cut off the power switch immediately, then check it.
Suitable for ships and offshore

Purchase instructions
1.The site currently supports about 10 currencies, please choose the currency you want to pay.
2.For ease of purchase, buyers need only provide receipt information and email. The system will automatically send you an email notification as part of the buyer's purchase voucher.
3.If you need us to design plans for major projects such as shipbuilding, marine engineering, water restaurants, submarine entertainment, sea surfing, etc., please send a direct email to
4.In order to prevent you from buying fake and inferior products, please buy it directly from our official website or call the agent and dealer.
5.On logistics: Chinese buyers acquiesced in Shentong and Yuantong. Other regions may need to ship from Hong Kong or Shanghai.